关于南部边境的争论仍在继续,布伦南中心的安德鲁-博伊尔(Andrew Boyle)详细介绍了特朗普 2 月 15 日宣布紧急状态背后的 1976 年法律。正如他所说,《国家紧急状态法》是在水门事件之后出台的,旨在限制总统权力。特朗普的声明目前和未来会面临哪些法律挑战?如何改革该法以避免未来的僵局?
As the debates about the Southern border continue, the Brennan Center's Andrew Boyle details the law behind Trump's February 15 emergency declaration. As he tells it, the National Emergencies Act was put in place, in the wake of Watergate, to constrain presidential power. What are the current and coming legal challenges to Trump's declaration? And how can this law be reformed to avoid future stalemates?
For more on Trump's immigration polices, check out these Global Ethics Weekly podcasts with Senior Fellow Kavitha Rajagoplan. And check out podcasts from Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev, U.S. Army veteran Asha Castleberry, and Adelphi University's Jonathan Cristol on Trump's National Security Strategy and defense policy.