
2019 年 5 月 30 日

国家安全专家、美军退伍军人阿莎-卡斯尔伯里(Asha Castleberry)分析了与伊朗日益紧张的关系和约翰-博尔顿在白宫的影响力。她和主持人亚历克斯-伍德森(Alex Woodson)还讨论了由前波音公司高管帕特里克-沙纳汉(Patrick Shanahan)负责国防部事务的利弊,并就如何在这个混乱的政治环境中确定应该相信谁或相信什么给出了建议。

National security expert and U.S. Army veteran Asha Castleberry breaks down the rising tensions with Iran and John Bolton's influence at the White House. She and host Alex Woodson also discuss the pluses and minuses of having former Boeing executive Patrick Shanahan in charge at the Department of Defense and she gives advice on how to figure out who or what to believe in this chaotic political environment.

For more from Castleberry, check out her Global Ethics Weekly podcast from this past January and her fall 2018 U.S. Global Engagement (USGE) event with Ali Wyne, hosted by Nikolas Gvosdev. She is also a member of the USGE Working Group.

This discussion also references recent podcasts with Adelphi University's Jonathan Cristol and Senior Fellow Reed Bonadonna.


<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Protest_against_U.S._military_attacks_in_Syria_(33919232325).jpg">Protest against U.S. military attacks on Syria, April 2017</a>. CREDIT: Fibonacci Blue via Wikimedia Commons

2018 年 12 月 5 日 - 文章

