全球伦理周刊缅甸电气化的第一手资料,与 Christina Madden 合著

2019 年 6 月 6 日

克里斯蒂娜-马登(Christina Madden)现任标准研究所所长,她谈到了自己在 2013-2014 年期间参与缅甸大规模电气化项目的工作。在长达数十年的军事独裁统治之后,缅甸只有不到三分之一的人口接入电网,要让数百万缅甸人接入电网有哪些复杂因素?有哪些政治和跨境问题,特别是在与中国合作时?

Christina Madden, now a director at Criterion Institute, discusses her work on Myanmar's massive electrification project in 2013-2014. With less than one-third of the population connected to the grid after a decades-long military dictatorship, what were the complications in getting millions in Myanmar connected? What were the political and cross-border issues, specifically when it came to cooperating with China?

This podcast referenced a 2015 article that Madden wrote for Foreign Affairs about electrification in Myanmar. She also spoke on Global Ethics Weekly in April about her work at Criterion Institute.

For more on Myanmar, specifically the Rohingya conflict, Senior Fellow Devin Stewart has done podcasts with Derek Mitchell, former US ambassador to Myanmar; Muhammad Musa, executive director of the development NGO BRAC; Elliott Prasse-Freeman, a professor at the University of Singapore; and journalist Francis Wade.



2010 年 10 月 7 日 - 文章


几乎各大洲都在勘探页岩气储量,而美国在这种被称为 "水力压裂法 "的有争议的钻探方法方面处于领先地位...