C2GTalk:系列介绍,C2G 执行总监 Janos Pasztor

2021 年 9 月 27 日

卡内基气候治理倡议的 "C2GTalk "是一系列与有影响力的实践者和思想领袖进行的一对一访谈,探讨改变气候的新兴方法所带来的治理挑战。在本系列访谈的导言中,"C2GTalk "主持人马克-特纳(Mark Turner)和 C2G 执行主任、Carnegie Council 高级研究员亚诺什-帕斯托尔(Janos Pasztor)对一些改变气候的技术进行了定义,并讨论了 C2G 的工作。

Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative’s C2GTalk is a series of one-on-one interviews with influential practitioners and thought leaders, exploring the governance challenges raised by emerging approaches to alter the climate. Discussions touch on a range of ethical, cultural, economic, and political issues, whilst staying grounded in the practical and personal experiences of our guests.

In this introduction to the series, Mark Turner, host of C2GTalk, and Janos Pasztor, executive director of C2G and senior fellow at Carnegie Council, define some climate-altering technologies and discuss the work of C2G. What is carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation modification? How is C2G catalyzing conversations about the governance of these technologies?

Don't miss the first three in the series:

Check Carnegie Council’s podcast channel every Monday for a new C2GTalk.

For more, visit C2G's website.


2024 年 1 月 8 日 - 播客

C2GTalk:金-斯坦利-罗宾逊(Kim Stanley Robinson):为什么世界现在需要考虑改变太阳辐射?

未来之部》的作者金-斯坦利-罗宾逊(Kim Stanley Robinson)在本期 "C2GTalk "中说,许多反对改变太阳辐射的意见已经被各种事件所取代。

2023 年 12 月 4 日 - 播客


安迪-雷辛格(Andy Reisinger)在 C2GTalk 中警告说,全球升温将超过 1.5°C,各国在短期内将面临更极端的后果。

2021 年 10 月 25 日 - 播客

C2GTalk:曼努埃尔-普尔加-维达尔(Manuel Pulgar-Vidal):以自然为基础的方法在应对气候危机方面能发挥什么作用?
