C2GTalk:年轻人如何参与管理改变气候的方法? 与 Marie-Claire Graf 讨论

2021 年 10 月 11 日

玛丽-克莱尔-格拉芙(Marie-Claire Graf)在接受 "C2GTalk "采访时说,年轻人可能还没有在决策桌前占有一席之地,但他们是有影响力的利益相关者,有能力引导气候讨论的方向。在努力争取席位的过程中,他们正在就一系列问题进行能力建设、学习和认识,包括改变气候方法的管理。

This interview was recorded on December 15, 2020, and is also available with interpretation into 中文, Español, and Français.

Young people may not yet have a seat at the decision-making table, but they are influential stakeholders with the power to steer the direction of the climate discourse, said Marie-Claire Graf during a C2GTalk interview. As they work towards getting that seat, they are building capacity, learning and awareness on a range of issues, including the governance of climate-altering approaches.

Marie-Claire Graf is one of the Global Focal Points of YOUNGO, the Children and Youth constituency to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. She is a Swiss youth advocate for sustainable development and climate action, and the president of the Swiss Associations of Student Organizations for Sustainability, and vice president at Swiss Youth for Climate. Marie-Claire is a Climate Reality Leader, and co-founder of a crowdsourcing platform startup for aggregated science-based and citizen-science data called C’Square.

For more, including an edited transcript, please go to C2G's website.


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