Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2 No. 12 (Spring 2005): Cultural Rights: Annotated Resources: ARTICLE RESOURCES: "Cultural Rights"

May 25, 2005

SECTION 1 The Case For Cultural Rights Rethinking Cultural Genocide Under International Law
David Nersessian

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Armenian National Institute (resources on the Armenian Genocide)

Cambodian Genocide Program (Yale University)

Coalition for International Justice

Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Electronic Information System for International Law (courtesy of American Society of Int'l Law)

Genocide Studies Program (Yale University)

Prevent Genocide International

"This Forest Is Ours"
Muthee ThukuGo to article text.

Gakuu Mathenge, "What Can be Done to Save this Language and Culture," in The Nation (17 October 2004).

Language Rights And Guarani Renaissance In Bolivia
Bret Gustafson

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Colette Grinevald, "Language Endangerment in South America: A Programmatic Approach," in Endangered Languages: Language Loss and Community Response (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998).

Bret Gustafson, Ñee: introducción al estudio lingüístico del idioma guaraní, para guaraní hablantes. [Language: An Introduction to the Linguistic Study of the Guarani Language, for Guarani Speakers] (La Paz: APG/UNICEF/TEKO-Guaraní, 1996).

Bret Gustafson, "The Paradoxes of Liberal Indigenism: Indigenous Movements, State Processes, and Intercultural Reformism in Bolivia," in The Politics of Ethnicity: Indigenous Peoples in Latin American States,
David Maybury-Lewis, ed. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002) pp. 267-306.

Bret Gustafson, Lucy Gutiérrez and Sabino Manuel, Ñeereñii, [The Flowering Word] (La Paz: UNICEF, 1998).

Luis Enrique López, "To guaranize: a verb actively conjugated by the Bolivian Guaranis," in Contribution to the Sociology of Language: Indigenous Literacy in the Americas, Nancy Hornberger, ed. (The Hague: Mouton, 1997) pp. 321-353.

The Stolen Generation: Aboriginal Children In Australia
Danielle Celermajer

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Bringing them Home; The National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children From their Families (South Australia: Commonwealth of Australia, 1997). Confidential evidence 170, p. 154.

Bringing them Home (Victoria: Commonwealth of Australia, 1997). Confidential evidence 139, p. 157.

"Woman removed to Cootamundra Girls' Home in the 1940s," Bringing them Home (New South Wales, Commonwealth of Australia, 1997). Confidential evidence 8, p. 156.

SECTION 2 Claims, Claimants, And Conflict

Women's Rights As Cultural Rights: The Case Of The Irish Travellers
Niamh Reilly

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H. Tovey and P. Share, "The Irish Travellers' Movement," in A Sociology of Ireland (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 2003) pp. 469-473.

"Traveller and Roma Community," National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism

"Travellers: Nomads of Ireland - an introduction to the Traveller way of life," Pavee Point, Dublin, nd.

Michael McDonagh, "Nomadism in Irish Traveller Identity," in Irish Travellers: Culture and Ethnicity, McCann, O'Siocháin, and Ruane, eds. (Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, Queens University, 1996).

"Travellers in Ireland: An Examination of Discrimination and Racism," in the Report of the Irish National Co-ordinating Committee for the European Year Against Racism (1997).

"About Us," Pavee Point, Dublin, nd

Gwen Halley, "Better to Dump the Romantic Notion of Nomadism than the Usual Rubbish," Sunday Independent (July 4, 2004).

Mary Ellen Synon, "Time To Get Tough On Tinker Terror 'Culture'," Sunday Independent (28 January 1996).

"Deasy suggests birth control to limit traveller numbers," Irish Times (14 June 1996).

"Political Discrimination and Persecution," by Catherine Joyce in Women's Rights as Human Rights: Local and Global Perspectives, Niamh Reilly, ed. (Dublin: Irish Council for Civil Liberties, March 1997).

A Chinese Lesson On Cultural Rights
Xiaorong LiGo to article text.

Chen Wen, "Self-Governance: Ethnic minorities get a greater say in their own affairs-white paper," Beijing Review, Vol. 48, No. 10 (March 10, 2005) pp. 30-31.

Guo Xin, "Religious Law: Updated Regulations Codify Rules," Beijing Review, Vol 47, No 52 (Dec 30, 2004), pp. 30-31.

Regional Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities in China (I). (Beijing: Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 2005).

Cultural Rights In The Age Of The War On Terror
Kristen Ghodsee & Christian Filipov

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Polia Alexandrova, "Alerting Bulgaria," in Transitions Online (1 December 2003)

Tsvetana Georgieva, "Pomaks: Muslim Bulgarians," in Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Vol. 12, No. 3 (July 2001) pp. 303-316.

Courtney W. Howland, Religious Fundamentalism and the Human Rights of Women (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999).

Dada Jovanovich, "Fomenting Fundamentalism, Bosnia: A New Playground for Militant
Islamists?" ABC News (18 January 2002).

Haideh Moghissi, Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism: The Limits of Postmodern Analysis (New York: Zed Books, 1999).

National Statistical Institute, Zaetost i bezrabotitza 4/2002 [Employment and Unemployment April 2002] (Sofia: National Statistical Institute, 2003).

National Statistical Institute, Statisticheski Godishnik 2003 [Statistical Yearbook 2003] (Sofia: National Statistical Institute, 2003).

Mary Neuburger, "Difference Unveiled: Bulgarian National Imperatives and the Re-dressing of Muslim Women in the Communist Period: 1945-89," in Nationalities Papers, Vol. 1 (1997) pp. 169-181.

Mary Neuburger, "Pomak Borderlands: Muslims on the Edge of Nations." in Nationalities Papers, Vol. 28, No. 1 (March 2000) pp. 181-199.

Mary Nueburger, The Orient Within: Muslim Minorities and the Negotiation of Nationhood in Modern Bulgaria, (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2004).

Nadege Ragaru, "Islam in Post-Communist Bulgaria: An Aborted 'Clash of Civilizations?'" in Nationalities Papers, Vol. 29, No 2 (2001).

Magnus Ranstorp and Gus Xhudo, "A Threat to Europe? Middle East Ties with the Balkans and Their Impact Upon Terrorist Activity throughout the Region," in Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Summer 1994) pp. 196-223.

Stephen Schwartz, "Islamic Fundamentalism in the Balkans," in Partisan Review, Vol. 67, No. 3 (Summer 2000) pp. 421-427.

Albena Shkordrova and Iva Roudnikova, "Bulgaria: Muslim Infighting Fuels Fundamentalist Fears" in London: Institute for War and Peace Reporting BCR, No. 519 (7 October 2004.)

Omer Turan, "Pomaks, Their Past and Present," in Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Vol. 19, No. 1 (1999) pp. 69-83.

U.S. Department of State, International Religious Freedom Report 2002: Bulgaria (Washington, DC: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, 2003).

Nicholas Wood, "Dispute Splits Bulgaria's Muslims," in International Herald Tribune (29 October 2004).

Mai Yamani, Feminism and Islam (New York: New York University Press, 1996).

Ruslan Yordanov, "Strastite Myuftiisk,i" [The Passion of the Mufti] in Tema, Vol. 4, No. 27 (143) (12-18 July 2004) pp. 42-44.

SECTION 3 Institutionalization And Standardization

The Distinctive Culture Test
Avigail EisenbergGo to article text.

R. v. Van der Peet decision

Canadian Constitution/Rights of Aboriginal peoples in Canada

Russell Barsh and James Youngblood Henderson, "The Supreme Court's Van der Peet Trilogy: Naive Imperialism and Ropes of Sand," McGill Law Journal, Vol. 42 (1997) p. 994

General Comment 23 on Article 27 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights; Interpretation of UN Human Rights Committee

A European Experiment In Protecting Cultural Rights
Will KymlickaGo to article text.

Gudmundar Alfredsson and Danilo Turk, "International Mechanisms for the Monitoring and Protection of Minority Rights: Their Advantages, Disadvantages and Interrelationships," in Monitoring Human Rights in Europe: Comparing International Procedures and Mechanisms, Arie Bloed, ed. (Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 1997) pp. 169-86.

Judy Batt and J. Amato, "Minority Rights and EU Enlargement to the East," in EUI, RSC Policy Paper #98/5 (1998).

Arie Blood and P. Van Dijk, eds., Protection of Minority Rights Through Bilateral Treaties (The Hague: Kluwer Law, 1998).

Adam Burgess, "Critical Reflections on the Return of National Minority Rights to East/West European Affairs," in Ethnicity and Democratisation in the New Europe, Karl Cordell, ed. (London: Routledge, 1999) pp. 49-60.

David Chandler, "The OSCE and the internationalisation of national minority rights," in Ethnicity and Democratisation in the New Europe, Karl Cordell, ed. (London: Routledge, 1999) pp. 61-76.

Mark Cornwall, "Minority Rights and Wrongs in Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century," in The Historian, Vol. 50 (1996) pp. 16-20.

Panavote Dimitras, Recognition of Minorities in Europe: Protecting Rights and Dignity (London: Minority Rights Group, 2004).

Maria Estebanez, "The High Commissioner on National Minorities: Development of the Mandate," in The OSCE in the Maintenance of Peace and Security, Michael Brohe et al, eds. (New York: Springer, 1997).

European Commission for Democracy through Law, "Opinion of the Venice Commission on the Interpretation of Article 11 of the Draft protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights appended to Recommendation 1201," 1996.

Rainer Hoffman, "Protecting the Rights of National Minorities in Europe: First Experiences with the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities," in German Yearbook of
International Law
, Vol. 44 (2001) pp. 237-69.

Maria Kovacs, "Standards of self-determination and standards of minority-rights in the post-communist era: a historical perspective," in Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2003) pp. 433-50.

Will Kymlicka, "Justice and Security in the Accommodation of Minority Nationalism: Comparing East and West," in The Politics of Belonging: Nationalism, Liberalism and Pluralism, Alain Dieckhoff, ed. (New York: Lexington, 2004) pp. 127-54.

Will Kymlicka and Magda Opalski, Can Liberal Pluralism Be Exported? Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001).

Minority Rights Group (MRG), The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: A Guide (London: Minority Rights Group, 1999).

Claus Offe, "Political Liberalism, Group Rights and the Politics of Fear and Trust," in Studies in East European Thought, Vol. 53 (June 2001) pp. 167-82.

John Packer, "Autonomy within the OSCE: The Case of Crimea," in Autonomy: Applications and Implication, Markku Suksi, ed. (Kluwer: The Hague, 1998) pp. 295-316.

Gaetano Pentassuglia, "The EU and the Protection of Minorities: The Case of Eastern Europe," in European Journal of International Law, Vol. 12 (February 2001) pp. 3-38

Gaetano Pentassuglia, Minorities in International Law, (Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2003).

Steven R. Ratner, "Does International Law Matter in Preventing Ethnic Conflicts?" in New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol. 32, No.3 (2000) pp. 591-698

Markku Suksi, ed. Autonomy: Applications and Implications (New York: Springer, 1998).

Li-Ann Thio, "Developing a 'Peace and Security' Approach towards Minorities' Problems," in International and Comparative Law Quarterly 52 (2003) pp. 115-50.

Max van der Stoel, Peace and Stability through Human and Minority Rights: Speeches by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1999).

Annelies Verstichel, "Elaborating a Catalogue of Best Practices of Effective Participation of National Minorities," in European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Vol. 2 (2003).

Marc Weller, "Filling the Frame: 5th Anniversary of the Entry into Force of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Conference Report," (Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 30-31 October 2003).

Steven Wheatley, "Minority Rights and Political Accommodation in the 'New' Europe," in European Law Review, Vol. 22, Supplement (1997) pp. HRC63-HRC81.

Rob Zaagman, Conflict Prevention in the Baltic States: The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, ECMI Monograph #1, (Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, 1999).

The U.N. Human Rights Committee's Decisions
Dinah SheltonGo to article text.

Philip Alston, ed. Peoples' Rights: Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002).

Cultural Rights And Intellectual Property Debates
Rosemary Coombe

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Michael Brown, Who Owns Native Culture? (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2003).

Anupam Candler and Madhavi Sunder, "The Romance of the Public Domain," in California Law Review 1331 (2004).

Rosemary Coombe, "Fear, Hope, and Longing for the Future of Authorship and a Revitalized Public Domain in Global Regimes of Intellectual Property," in De Paul Law Review 1171 (2003).

Lawrence Lessig, The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World (New York: Random House, 2001).

Lawrence Lessig, Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity (New York: Penguin Press, 2004).

Janusz Symonides, "The Implementation of Cultural Rights by the International Community," in Gazette, Vol. 60, No. 7 (1998).

Siva Vaidhyanatahan, Copyrights and Copywrongs: The Rise of Intellectual Property and How it Threatens Creativity (New York: New York University Press, 2001).

George Yudice, The Expediency of Culture: Uses of Culture in the Global Era (Durham: Duke University Press, 2003).

World Heritage Rights Versus National Cultural Property Rights: The Case Of The Jikji
Sun-Young Kwak

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Kyung-Shup Byun, "Justification of Cultural Repatriation," in Moonwha-ilbo (9 May 2003).

Jeanette Greenfield, The Return of Cultural Treasures, Second Ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996) Chapters 2, 6, 7, and 8.

Sarah Harding, "Value, Obligation, and Cultural Heritage," in Arizona State Law Journal 31 (1999) pp. 291-354.

Sarah Harding, "Cultural Property and the Limitations of Preservation," in Law & Policy, Vol. 25, No. 1 (January 2003) pp. 16-36.

Kyu-Sik Kim, "Need to Negotiate with France for the Repatriation of Jikji, World Cultural Heritage," in Hangook-ilbo (4 July 2002).

George E. Marcus, "Censorship in the Heart of Difference: Cultural Property, Indigenous Peoples' Movements, and Challenges to Western Liberal Thought," in Censorship and Silencing: Practices of Cultural Regulation, Robert Post, ed. (Los Angeles: Getty Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1998) pp. 221-242.

John H. Merryman, "Two Ways of Thinking about Cultural Property," in The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 80 (1996) pp. 831-853.

Phylllis Mauch Messenger, The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1999), Introduction, Ch. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, and 15.

John Monstakas, "Group Rights in Cultural Property: Justifying Strict Inalienability," in Cornell Law Review, Vol. 74, No. 6 (September 1989) pp. 1179-1227.

Jean Musitelli, "Opinion: World Heritage: Between Universalism and Globalization," in International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 11, No. 2 (2002) pp. 323-336.

Byung-Sun Park, Korean Printing (Jipmoosa, 2003)

Lyndel V. Prott, "Repatriation of Cultural Property," in University of British Columbia Law Review, Special Issue (1995) pp. 229-240.

L.V. Prott & P.J. O'Keefe, "'Cultural heritage' or 'cultural property'?" in International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1992) pp. 307-320.

Daniel Shapiro, "Repatriation: A Modest Proposal," in New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol. 31 (1998-1999) pp. 95-108.

Timothy Webb, "Appropriating the Stones: The Elgin Marbles," and "English National Taste," in Claiming the Stones, Naming the Bones: Cultural Property and the Negotiation of National and Ethnic Identity, Elazar Barkan and Ronald Bush, eds. (Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2002).

UNESCO Memory of World Register-Nomination Form: Republic of Korea, Buljo jikji simche yojeol," (July 2001)

"UESCO Jikji Memory of the World Prize"

The Protection of Movable Cultural Property: Compensation of Legislative Texts (Paris: UNESCO, 1984).

"Explanatory Report on the European Convention on Offences Relating to Cultural Property" (Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1985).

KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) News on "UNESCO Jikji Memory of the World Prize"

Chungbuk Society

Hungduksa Temple

"Jikji Internationalization"

"On Dr. Byeong-Sen Park and Jikji"

A South African Commission's Mandate To Protect Cultural Rights
Seán Morrow

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The CRL Commission

Shadrack Gutto, "Watchdogs with fangs or lapdogs of the state? Independent constitutional and other statutory institutions: Their roles in enhancing democratic governance and electoral processes," in Development Update, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1999) pp. 82-94.

Meshack Khosa (2000), "Challenges of Promoting and Protecting the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities," in Democracy and Governance Review: Mandela's Legacy 1994-1999, Yvonne G. Muthien, Meshack M. Khosa and Bernard M. Magubane (Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, 2000) pp. 197-237.

Z. Erasmus, Coloured by History, Shaped by Place (Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2001).

G. Maharaj, ed., Between Unity and Diversity: Essays on Nation-Building in Post-Apartheid South Africa (Cape Town: David Philip, 1999).

L. Witz, Apartheid's Festival: Contesting South Africa's National Pasts (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2003).

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