商业道德:GPIF 的 Hiro Mizuno 用他们自己的话说

2019 年 5 月 13 日

日本政府养老金投资基金(GPIF)执行常务董事兼首席信息官 Hiro Mizuno 谈到了道德在管理世界上最大的养老金基金之一中的作用。他讨论了金融领域长期思维的优势;技术如何改变基金的运作方式;以及 GPIF 如何促进 "ESG "投资,将环境、社会和治理因素纳入决策。

Hiro Mizuno, executive managing director and CIO of Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), speaks about the role of ethics in managing one of the largest pension funds in the world. He discusses the advantages of long-term thinking in finance; how technology is changing how the fund operates; and how GPIF promotes "ESG" investing, integrating environmental, social, and governance factors into its decision-making.

Ethics in Business: In Their Own Words is an interview series produced by Carnegie Council in partnership with ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and CFA Institute. It features global business leaders exploring how businesses are preparing for an ethical future in the face of threats and challenges presented by globalization, technology, and human psychology.

For more on this and other Global Ethics Day-related projects, please go to https://www.globalethicsday.org.


2024 年 7 月 31 日 - 播客

负责任的人工智能与大型模型的伦理权衡,与 Sara Hooker 合著

在本期节目中,高级研究员安雅-卡斯珀森(Anja Kaspersen)与 Cohere for AI 的萨拉-胡克(Sara Hooker)讨论了模型设计、模型偏差和数据表示等问题。

2024 年 7 月 30 日 - 文章



2024 年 7 月 24 日 - 播客


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