Us and Them? Bridget Anderson on Migrants and Nation-States

May 4, 2016


Underlying people's economic fears about migrants taking their jobs are much deeper anxieties about nationality, culture, and race, says Bridget Anderson, professor of migration and citizenship at Oxford. The nation-state is simply not working for a lot of humanity, and we need to come up with new ways of thinking about political communities.

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JUL 7, 2008 Journal

Ethics & International Affairs Volume 22.2 (Summer 2008): Symposium: Migrants and Work-related Rights [Excerpt]

Carens's discussion of the work-related rights of irregular migrants fails to consider the differentiated employment rights of legal temporary migrants, permanent residents, and citizens.

Migration. CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Ariel Kaplan</a> (<a href="" target="_blank">CC</a>)

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