全球伦理周刊:1919 年与现代世界》,与 Ted Widmer 合著

2019 年 1 月 17 日

历史学家泰德-维德默(Ted Widmer)讨论了他新的Carnegie Council 播客系列 "The Crack-Up",以及 1919 年如何塑造了现代世界。他和主持人亚历克斯-伍德森(Alex Woodson)谈到了 2019 年的相似之处、伍德罗-威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)和国际联盟、贝比-鲁斯(Babe Ruth)、早期的好莱坞以及第一次世界大战后欧洲的民粹主义。

Historian Ted Widmer discusses his new podcast series "The Crack-Up" and how 1919 has shaped the 20th century and the modern world. He and host Alex Woodson speak about parallels to 2019, Woodrow Wilson and the League of Nations, Babe Ruth, the early days of Hollywood, and populism in Europe in the aftermath of World War I. Don't miss a new "Crack-Up" tomorrow with Harvard historian Lisa McGirr about her New York Times article on prohibition and the American state.

Widmer is also working on an essay series with The New York Times on 1919. He kicked off the series on December 31 with his piece "1919: The Year of the Crack-Up." Last week, historian Patty O'Toole wrote an essay on Theodore Roosevelt and his progressive views on health care and recorded the first "Crack-Up" podcast with Widmer. And last month, Woodson and Widmer recorded a Global Ethics Weekly on the end of World War I and the future of American democracy.


2024 年 10 月 16 日 - 视频


在 2024 年全球伦理日的主题活动中,我们就如何加强青年参与公民生活和代际合作进行了小组讨论。

2024 年 10 月 7 日 - 视频

联合国大会 79 科学峰会:脑力经济范式转变促进民主复兴

作为第 79 届联合国大会 2024 年联合国科学峰会的一部分,乔尔-罗森塔尔(Joel Rosenthal)讨论了民主制度如何在技术加速发展的时代繁荣昌盛。

CREDIT: Abobe/hamara.

2024 年 9 月 25 日 - 文章


Carnegie Council 主席乔尔-罗森塔尔(Joel Rosenthal)在一篇新的专栏文章中指出,重新致力于核军备控制是道义上义不容辞的责任。