卡内基新领导人播客:拉丁美洲的地缘政治发展,与保罗-安杰洛(Paul J. Angelo)合作

2021 年 3 月 24 日

Paul J. Angelo 博士是美国对外关系委员会 (CFR) 的拉丁美洲研究员。他的工作重点是美国与拉丁美洲的关系、跨国犯罪、暴力参与者、军队和警察改革以及移民。Angelo 曾是一名现役海军军官,拥有丰富的军事和政府服务经验。卡内基新领导人托马斯-埃雷拉(Thomas Herrera)与他一起讨论了美国与拉美关系的现状、拜登政府能否填补领导真空以及大流行后可能出现的情况。

Dr. Paul J. Angelo is a fellow for Latin America Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). His work focuses on U.S.-Latin American relations, transnational crime, violent actors, military and police reform, and immigration. A former active-duty naval officer, Angelo has extensive experience in military and government service. Carnegie New Leader Thomas Herrera joins him to discuss the current state of affairs in U.S.-Latin American relations, whether or not the Biden administration can fill the leadership vacuum, and possible post-pandemic scenarios.


CREDIT: Abobe/hamara.

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