- Leadership in a Turbulent Time (Sent on August 8, 2024)
- Climate Change and Human Mobility (Sent on June 11, 2024)
- Battlefield AI & Ethics in Outer Space (Sent on May 8, 2024)
- Global Ethics Day & Unlocking Cooperation (Sent on April 4, 2024)
- Trade-offs of AI in Diplomacy (Sent on March 12, 2024)
- Global Justice in a Turbulent World (Sent on January 16, 2024)
- 2023 Year In Review (Sent on December 14, 2023)
- Improving U.S.-China Relations (Sent on November 21, 2023)
- Unlocking Cooperation: Global Ethics Day (Sent on October 18, 2023)
- Join us for Global Ethics Day 2023 (September 13, 2023)
- Nuclear Ethics for this Moment (August 7, 2023)
- Banality of Evil & Ethical Statecraft (June 13, 2023)
- Carnegie Ethics Accelerator Launched (May 16, 2023)

作为Carnegie Council 的主要时事通讯,订阅者将及时获得与我们的重点领域和问题(包括民主、气候变化、外交政策、新兴技术、商业道德等)相关的专题分析。
除了每期时事通讯中重点介绍的出版物、播客和活动外,订阅者还将获得我们的影响计划的最新消息和更新:人工智能与平等倡议》(Artificial Intelligence & Equality Initiative)、《卡内基气候治理倡议》(Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative)、《美国全球参与倡议》(U.S. Global Engagement Initiative)和《国际流动性示范公约》(Model International Mobility Convention)的最新消息。