2025-2027 届学生的申请现已开始

我们目前正在接受申请,并将对候选人进行面试,截止日期为 2024 年 10 月 15 日。我们强烈建议您给自己留出足够的时间来完成整个申请过程。要开始申请,请填写下表,并附上以下内容:

  • 简历/履历
  • 两封推荐信 
  • 致布赖恩-马特奥和凯瑟琳-伊根的简短个人陈述(最多 500 字),要回答以下问题:
    • 您为什么对以伦理领导力为重点的奖学金感兴趣?
    • 您在自己的领域、行业或组织中遇到过哪些道德挑战?
    • 在为期两年的研究金期间,您想探讨的伦理问题是什么?
    • 您如何在个人和职业生活中利用道德领导技能?


  • 职业级别,领导责任不断增加
  • 在个人事业和国际层面发挥注重价值观的领导作用
  • 渴望个人发展并了解与国际事务问题的联系
  • 在多文化、多部门和/或多利益攸关方团队中工作的能力
  • 与他人有效合作的能力
  • 25-35 岁(可有例外,但名额有限)



  • 卡内基伦理研究员申请截止日期:2024 年 10 月 15 日
  • Carnegie Council 确认收到材料:2024 年 10 月 15 日
  • 与卡内基工作人员进行第一轮面试:2024 年 10 月 15 日至 11 月 15 日
  • 通知入围者:2024 年 12 月 18 日
  • 第 2 组公告:2025 年 1 月 7 日

第二批(2025-2026 年)课程表

  • 2025 年 2 月 6 日星期四至 2 月 8 日星期六(面谈)
  • 2025 年 6 月 26 日星期四至 6 月 28 日星期六(亲临现场)
  • 2025 年 10 月 23 日星期四至 10 月 25 日星期六(亲临现场)
  • 2026 年 2 月 5 日星期四至 2 月 7 日星期六(虚拟)
  • 2026 年 6 月 11 日星期四至 6 月 13 日星期六(亲临现场)
  • 2026 年 10 月 15 日星期四至 10 月 17 日星期六(亲临现场)
  • 校友活动 2027 年 2 月 19 日(可选)


1. Who is eligible for the program?

The Carnegie Ethics Fellow program is designed for mid-career professionals between the ages of 25-35 working in business, government, academia, and non-governmental organizations.

2. How do I apply for the program?

To apply for the program, you will need a CV, two letters of recommendation, and a short personal statement. To apply, use the form above.

3. What is the cost of the program and what is included?

Carnegie Council will provide support for travel (economy), accommodations, and on-site expenses for the modules.

4. Can non-U.S. residents apply for the Carnegie Ethics Fellowship?

Yes. The Carnegie Ethics Fellowship program is open to participants outside of the United States. Due to on-site modules, participants will need to have the appropriate travel documents (passports, visas, etc.) to successfully participate.

5. Will the Carnegie Council cover visa expenses for non-U.S. citizens?

No. Fellows are responsible for obtaining their own travel visas and paying all associated costs. Carnegie Council can assist in the visa application process by providing documentation confirming participation in the Fellowship but will not cover expenses associated with this process.

6. Do I have to attend all the modules?

Carnegie Ethics Fellows are required to attend all six modules. Pending prior approval for extenuating circumstances, a fellow can miss no more than one module. Failure to attend modules will result in termination of participation in the program. Please make sure to check on the set dates in advance before applying.

7. What is the application timeline?

Please review these dates before applying. These dates are firm; the Council will not accommodate requests for changes to these deadlines.

  • Carnegie Ethics Fellows application deadline: October 15, 2024
  • Carnegie Council confirms receipt of materials by: October 15, 2024
  • Round 1 interviews with Carnegie Council staff: October 15 - November 15, 2024
  • Finalists notified: December 18, 2024
  • Cohort 2 public announcement: January 7, 2025

8. When are reference letters due?

All materials, including reference letters, are due by October 15, 2024, alongside your application.

9. Is the Carnegie Ethics Fellowship a full-time job or a part-time position?

The Carnegie Ethics Fellowship is not construed to represent an employer/employee relationship between you and Carnegie Council. If selected, the opportunity will be terminated should you not fulfill the stated responsibilities, fail to disclose conflicts of interest, or fail to demonstrate high professional standards. You shall not receive any benefits from Carnegie Council, including pension, health, vacation pay, sick pay, or other fringe benefits.
