全球道德周刊:道德作为竞选纲领,与 Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox 合著

2019 年 1 月 24 日

昆尼皮亚克大学的苏雅塔-加德卡尔-威尔考克斯(Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox)讲述了她在2018年竞选康涅狄格州州议员时以微弱优势落败的经历。经过几个月在竞选路上与同胞交谈并吸收他们的不同观点后,她讨论了道德和政治参与的重要性,以及我们如何在这个分裂的时代保持文明。

Quinnipiac University's Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox speaks about her 2018 campaign for state representative in Connecticut, which she lost by a slim margin. After months of speaking to her fellow citizens and absorbing their differing viewpoints on the campaign trail, she discusses the importance of ethics and political engagement and how we can remain civil in this divisive time.

Gadkar-Wilcox has recorded several Carnegie New Leader Podcasts on Gandhi's teachings, the Indian Constitution, and other topics. This podcast also references this video of her husband on the campaign trail.

(Carnegie Council is a non-partisan institution. We do not support any political parties or endorse any specific candidates.)


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