全球伦理周刊印度和美国的暴力与民族主义》,与 Suchitra Vijayan 合著

2019 年 1 月 31 日

作为研究和新闻机构 Polis Project 的创始人和执行董事,Suchitra Vijayan 正在帮助记录印度令人担忧的身份暴力趋势。她讨论了她的组织在这一问题上的工作、暴力与印度总理莫迪上台后民族主义抬头的联系,以及与美国有争议的政治气候的一些不完美的相似之处。

As founder and executive director of The Polis Project, a research and journalism organization, Suchitra Vijayan is helping to document a concerning trend of identity-based violence in India. She discusses her organization's work on this issue, the violence's connection to a rise in nationalism in India since Prime Minister Modi came to power, and some imperfect parallels with the contentious political climate in the United States.

For more from Vijayan, check out The Polis Project. This podcast references her interview with Indian journalist Sagar, who has reported on identity- and caste-based violence.

Vijayan has also appeared on two Carnegie New Leader podcasts and in a public Carnegie Council event in 2014.


2024 年 4 月 25 日 - 播客


德里克-雷弗龙(Derek Reveron)和约翰-萨维奇(John Savage)与 "The Doorstep" 一起讨论他们的著作 "网络时代的安全"。我们如何减轻人工智能的有害影响?

危险大师》一书封面。CREDIT: Sentient Publications.

2024 年 4 月 18 日 - 文章



2024年4月11 日• 播客

老龄化全球精英的无处不在,乔恩·埃蒙特(Jon Emont)

《华尔街日报》记者乔恩·埃蒙特加盟”The Doorstep“来讨论在专制和民主国家中让老龄化领导人掌权的制度和结构。