昆尼皮亚克大学的 Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox 讨论了她对印度农村社区人权概念的研究工作。她讲述了查娅-卡卡德(Chaya Kakade)的故事,这位妇女在印度政府提出征收卫生巾税后进行了绝食抗议,并在拉图尔建立了自己的生产中心。卡卡德是如何理解人权的?西方人如何才能超越对人权概念的法律主义看法?
Quinnipiac's Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox discusses her work researching the conception of human rights in a community in rural India. She tells the story of Chaya Kakade, a woman who went on a hunger strike after the Indian government proposed a tax on sanitary napkins, and has since built her own production center in Latur. How does Kakade understand human rights? How can Westerners move beyond a legalistic view of the concept?
For more on Kakade, check out Gadkar-Wilcox's Carnegie New Leaders podcast from one year ago. Gadkar-Wilcox also discussed her campaign to be state representative in Connecticut in a Global Ethics Weekly last month. This podcast also references a recent podcast with Suchitra Vijayan on the rise of right-wing nationalism and identity-based violence in India.