全球伦理周刊》:委内瑞拉难民与移民政策,与 Kavitha Rajagopalan 合作

2019 年 4 月 2 日

数百万委内瑞拉人逃离马杜罗政权,这对拉丁美洲和加勒比地区有什么影响?美国能够或应该做些什么?将这种情况与叙利亚难民危机相比较是否有用?高级研究员卡维塔-拉贾戈帕兰(Kavitha Rajagopalan)从委内瑞拉经济崩溃的角度探讨了移民政策和庇护法。

With millions of Venezuelans fleeing the Maduro regime, what are the effects on Latin America and the Caribbean? What could or should the United States do? Is it helpful to compare this situation to the Syrian refugee crisis? Senior Fellow Kavitha Rajagopalan discusses immigration policies and asylum law in the context of Venezuela's economic collapse.

For more from Rajagopalan check out her other Global Ethics Weekly podcasts, including a recent one on the Christchurch attack, and her September 2018 article from The Nation, "Building Immigrant Communities in the Trump Era." She is also the author of Muslims of Metropolis: The Stories of Three Immigrant Families in the West.


2024 年 4 月 25 日 - 播客


德里克-雷弗龙(Derek Reveron)和约翰-萨维奇(John Savage)与 "The Doorstep" 一起讨论他们的著作 "网络时代的安全"。我们如何减轻人工智能的有害影响?

危险大师》一书封面。CREDIT: Sentient Publications.

2024 年 4 月 18 日 - 文章



2024年4月11 日• 播客

老龄化全球精英的无处不在,乔恩·埃蒙特(Jon Emont)

《华尔街日报》记者乔恩·埃蒙特加盟”The Doorstep“来讨论在专制和民主国家中让老龄化领导人掌权的制度和结构。