
2019 年 6 月 11 日

继与兰德公司分析师阿里-怀恩(Ali Wyne)就大国竞争问题的谈话之后,高级研究员尼古拉斯-格沃斯蒂夫(Nikolas Gvosdev)介绍了美俄关系的最新情况,涉及乌克兰东部战争、委内瑞拉危机和选举干预。他还预告了即将在日本举行的 20 国集团峰会,特朗普可能因其国内争议和弹劾言论而受阻。

Following up on his talk with RAND analyst Ali Wyne on great-power competition, Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev gives an update on U.S.-Russian relations, touching on the war in Eastern Ukraine, the crisis in Venezuela, and election interference. He also previews the upcoming G-20 Summit in Japan, with Trump possibly hampered by his domestic controversies and talk of impeachment.

This article references Gvosdev's recent National Interest article, "Russia is Finally Getting the 'Great Power' Talks That It Always Wanted," and this July 2018 Global Ethics Weekly podcast on the Helsinki Summit. For more from Gvosdev, check out the resources from his U.S. Global Engagement program.

For more on U.S.-Chinese relations, which also falls under "great-power competition," check out Devin Stewart's Asia Dialogues podcasts.


2019年6月3日 - 文章


随着我们继续迈入 21 世纪,"后冷战 "的称谓已失去意义。然而,一种新的结构和叙事方式尚未出现,以...

<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Protest_against_U.S._military_attacks_in_Syria_(33919232325).jpg">Protest against U.S. military attacks on Syria, April 2017</a>. CREDIT: Fibonacci Blue via Wikimedia Commons

2018 年 12 月 5 日 - 文章

