全球伦理周刊伦理、政治与退伍军人社区,与 Reed Bonadonna 合作

2019 年 5 月 9 日

高级研究员里德-博纳多纳(Reed Bonadonna)是美国海军陆战队的一名退役上校,他讨论了道德在向平民生活过渡中的作用。他以艾森豪威尔总统和格兰特总统为理想榜样,详细介绍了退伍军人可以为政治领域带来的特质。目前的退伍政治家群体是否更适合跨党派合作?三位将军离开了特朗普政府的高官职位,白宫又发生了什么变化?

Senior Fellow Reed Bonadonna, a retired U.S. Marine Corps colonel, discusses the role of ethics in the transition to civilian life. With presidents Eisenhower and Grant as the ideal examples, he also details the attributes that veterans can bring to the political realm. Are the current group of veteran politicians better-positioned to work across the aisle? And what's changed in the White House now that three generals have left high-profile posts in the Trump administration?

For more from Bonadonna, check out his Living Legacy of the First World War podcasts and his 2017 interview with Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal on his book Soldiers and Civilization: How the Profession of Arms Thought and Fought the Modern World into Existence. This podcasts also references this 2015 Carnegie Council interview with Chuck Hagel, former U.S. secretary of defense and U.S. senator from Nebraska, and Bonadonna's 2018 War on the Rocks article, "How to Think Like an Officer: A Prospectus."


2024 年 2 月 27 日 - 视频

Carnegie Council 与英国内政大臣对话


2024 年 2 月 15 日 - 视频

小查尔斯-W-凯格利(Charles W. Kegley, Jr.系列讲座:伦理在世界政治中的地位

在首届 Charles W. Kegley, Jr.讲座中,Carnegie Council 前主席斯蒂芬-希伯德(Stephen Hibbard)讨论了 "伦理在世界政治中的地位"。

2024 年 1 月 25 日 - 文章


本系列访谈介绍了首届卡内基伦理研究员团队的成员。本期访谈的主角是科技公司 Ramp 的高级顾问 Hinh Tran。