印尼雅加达冲突政策分析研究所(IPAC)分析师纳瓦-努拉尼亚(Nava Nuraniyah)与高级研究员德文-斯图尔特(Devin Stewart)就印尼最近的大选、东南亚的社交媒体和宗教极端主义以及该地区政治的未来走向进行了交谈。
Podcast music: Blindhead and Mick Lexington.
Nava Nuraniyah, an analyst at the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC) in Jakarta, Indonesia, speaks with Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Devin Stewart about the recent general election in Indonesia, social media and religious extremism in Southeast Asia, and the future direction of the region's politics.