C2GTalk:是否应允许科学家在户外进行太阳辐射修正研究? 与 Ken Caldeira 讨论

2022 年 3 月 14 日

气候科学家先驱肯-卡尔代拉(Ken Caldeira)在 "C2GTalk "节目中说,在过去二十年里,太阳辐射改变已经从一个智力实验变成了人们正在认真考虑的事情。世界需要了解,如果有人认为有必要让地球迅速降温,将会发生什么,而这需要科学家有能力做更多的研究。"卡尔代拉说:"如果知识的获取会导致迫在眉睫的伤害,那么就有理由限制知识的获取。

This interview was recorded on  January 26, 2022 and is available with interpretation into 中文, Español, and Français.

Over the last two decades, solar radiation modification has gone from an intellectual experiment to something people are seriously considering, says pioneering climate scientist Ken Caldeira during a C2GTalk. The world needs to understand what would happen if somebody felt the need to cool the Earth rapidly, and that requires the ability for scientists to do more research. "There is a case to limit knowledge acquisition if it would lead to imminent harm," says Caldeira, but this is not the case for solar radiation modification experiments.

Ken Caldeira is senior staff scientist (emeritus) with Carnegie Institution for Science, and world famous for his work on the global carbon cycle and climate change. He was a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fifth assessment report and a co-author of the 2010 US National Academy America’s Climate Choices report. Caldeira also participated in the UK Royal Society’s geoengineering panel in 2009. He is also senior scientist at Breakthrough Energy, which supports innovation to reach zero carbon emissions.

For more, including an edited transcript, please go to C2G's website.


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