
2022 年 5 月 2 日

经济学家》杂志资深编辑奥利弗-莫顿(Oliver Morton)在本期 "C2GTalk "中说,近年来,围绕太阳辐射改性的讨论不断扩大,但在国际管理机制方面尚未取得重大进展。他补充道:"他补充说:"我不希望世界上出现太阳地球工程,但我也不希望子孙后代在回首往事时说,'我希望他们能把这件事想得更透彻一点'。

This interview was recorded on February 10, 2022 and will be available with interpretation into  中文,  Español,  and Français.

The debate around solar radiation modification has broadened in recent years, but there has not yet been significant progress on international mechanisms to govern it, says Economist senior editor Oliver Morton in this C2GTalk. He adds: "I don't want a world with solar geoengineering come what may, but I also don't want future generations to look back and say, 'I wish they’d thought about this just a bit more thoroughly.'"

Oliver Morton previously worked at Nature  and  Wired  and contributed to a range of other publications, including The New York Times and Science.  He is the author of Mapping Mars: Science, Imagination and the Birth of a World; Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet; The Planet Remade: How Geoengineering Could Change the World; and The Moon: A History for the Future. Asteroid 10716 Olivermorton is named in his honor.

For more, including an edited transcript, please go to C2G's website.


2024 年 1 月 8 日 - 播客

C2GTalk:金-斯坦利-罗宾逊(Kim Stanley Robinson):为什么世界现在需要考虑改变太阳辐射?

未来之部》的作者金-斯坦利-罗宾逊(Kim Stanley Robinson)在本期 "C2GTalk "中说,许多反对改变太阳辐射的意见已经被各种事件所取代。

2023 年 12 月 4 日 - 播客


安迪-雷辛格(Andy Reisinger)在 C2GTalk 中警告说,全球升温将超过 1.5°C,各国在短期内将面临更极端的后果。

2022 年 1 月 10 日 - 播客

