商业道德:Pendal 的 Emilio Gonzalez 用他们自己的话说

2019 年 7 月 10 日

澳大利亚 Pendal 集团首席执行官 Emilio Gonzalez 谈论了道德在全球投资管理中的作用。他讨论了他所在公司的慈善工作、创新的 "贡献假 "政策、如何以深思熟虑的方式参与人工智能等新技术,等等。

Emilio Gonzalez, group CEO at Pendal in Australia, speaks about the role of ethics in global investment management. He discusses his organization's charitable work, its innovative "contribution leave" policy, how to engage with new technology, like AI, in a thoughtful way, and much more.

Ethics in Business: In Their Own Words is an interview series produced by Carnegie Council in partnership with ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and CFA Institute. It features global business leaders exploring how businesses are preparing for an ethical future in the face of threats and challenges presented by globalization, technology, and human psychology.

For more on this and other Global Ethics Day-related projects, please go to https://www.globalethicsday.org.


2024 年 4 月 25 日 - 播客


德里克-雷弗龙(Derek Reveron)和约翰-萨维奇(John Savage)与 "The Doorstep" 一起讨论他们的著作 "网络时代的安全"。我们如何减轻人工智能的有害影响?

危险大师》一书封面。CREDIT: Sentient Publications.

2024 年 4 月 18 日 - 文章



2024年4月11 日• 播客

老龄化全球精英的无处不在,乔恩·埃蒙特(Jon Emont)

《华尔街日报》记者乔恩·埃蒙特加盟”The Doorstep“来讨论在专制和民主国家中让老龄化领导人掌权的制度和结构。