
Carnegie Council 介绍其世界各地的工作人员、研究员和附属机构的课程大纲。

亚洲对话项目,Carnegie Council
朴槿惠总统被弹劾只用了六周时间,而被赶下青瓦台并被控受贿和滥用总统权力也只用了几个月时间。这份为期 10.5 周的阅读书目和讨论问题探讨了发生了什么以及为什么。


亚洲对话计划,Carnegie Council
严重台风时有发生,菲律宾已成为气候变化受害者的写照。这份为期 10 周的阅读清单和讨论问题涵盖了菲律宾如何应对气候变化的方方面面。


亚洲对话项目,Carnegie Council
在欧洲和美国日益增长的伊斯兰恐惧症和民粹主义中,对伊斯兰教有一个更全面的了解至关重要,而印尼可以作为一个理想的案例研究来提供这样一个更广阔的视野。这份为期 10.5 周的带讨论问题的阅读清单是一个很好的开始

Reading List and Discussion Questions on Gender and Japan
Asia Dialogues Program, Carnegie Council
This 10.5-week reading list with discussion questions explores current issues relating to gender in Japanese society. Topics include: women in the workplace, equal voice in politics, demographic trends, and gender rights.

Global Ethics Fall Term 2015
David Ritchie, Mercer University
This course examines different ways that the state protects the interests of its citizens against the competing interests of other states. It focuses on arguments about the background moral conceptions that ground the possibility of global justice—cosmopolitanism, liberalism, and universal human rights.

Democracy, Globalization, and Human Rights
Deen Chatterjee, University of Utah
This seminar examines the theories of rights that provide for a cosmopolitan framework but have room for local variations consistent with alternative versions of democratic decision-making.

Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict
David Ritchie, Mercer University
This course examines legal and moral doctrines related to international armed conflict, including the right of states to resort to force and the rules governing the conduct of hostilities.

Global Civics
Hakan Altinay, European School of Politics, Istanbul
This online course features video lectures by international thought leaders discussing global issues such as public health, inequality, trade, and the responsibility to protect. Students may take the course for credit or audit it. Both options are free.

Global Ethics
Evan Berry, American University, Washington, D.C.
This course explores the complexities of international relations along two fronts: the emergence of global ethical questions, and the globalization of ethics itself.

Global Governance
Katsuhiko Mori, International Christian University, Japan
The aim of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive overview of theoretical and practical challenges involved in the complex subject of global governance.

God, Faith, and Reason
Deen Chatterjee, University of Utah
This course examines the meaning and limitations of some of the central concepts and beliefs in the philosophical and public discourse on the question of God's existence.

Human Rights in International Relations
Jiyoung Song, Singapore Management University
This module is a 300-level multidisciplinary course of political science and international law, covering the main literature and debates in human rights in international relations.

International Human Rights
Deen Chatterjee, University of Utah
This course examines the nature, practice, and limits of human rights in today's global world.

Justice and International Affairs
Deen Chatterjee, University of Utah
This is a course in political philosophy, broadly construed, with a focus on the issues of justice in international affairs.

Modern Moral Problems: Climate Change
Evan Berry, American University, Washington, D.C.
This course is designed to introduce students to an ethical issue of contemporary significance and along the way develop a deeper understanding of applied ethics as a field.

Of All Possible Future Worlds: Global Trends, Values, and Ethics
Thong Nguyen, Carnegie Council
This course examines world trends and the degree to which values and ethical choices can shape humanity in the future.

Political Philosophy
Deen Chatterjee, University of Utah
The course is designed to introduce the basic concepts of political philosophy such as liberty, equality, democracy, and justice and to examine their international implications through a focused study of the political consequences of global interdependence.

Religion, Modernity, and Democracy: Understanding Islam in Politics
Jocelyne Cesari, Georgetown University
This course investigates the relationship between modernization, politics, and Islam in Muslim-majority countries from the end of World War II to the Arab Spring.